Plant Ceremony Release and Waiver
By signing and submitting the form below, I hereby agree to the following:
1. I am participating in a spiritual ceremony using plant sacraments of the Amazon region. I understand that this is a binding legal agreement and by signing it, I give up my rights to seek compensation for damages I may suffer from my participation in the ceremony. I agree to remain at the ceremony from beginning to end, and I acknowledge that this is necessary for my own safety and the safety of other participants.
2. I voluntarily consent to drinking the ceremonial brew, a traditional indigenous medicine. I understand that this is a spiritual ceremony; the liveJOY lifestyle makes no claim or promise regarding the curing of any medical or psychological condition; it is my personal responsibility to determine whether it is safe for me to ingest the medicine; and that while the liveJOY lifestyle and it's representatives may have offered their suggestions or experience in an effort to help me evaluate my situation it is my responsibility to determine whether it is safe for me to drink the ceremonial brew. I have been advised to consult my own physician concerning my personal health and medications I am taking regarding any possible contraindications for my ingesting of the medicine.
3. I understand the the ceremony may be physically and mentally stressful, and I may experience dizziness vomiting, diarrhea, or other physical upsets. I accept full responsibility for any physiological or psychological impacts that I may experience. I understand that I may be physically or mentally exhausted and/or disoriented after the ceremony, and I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to arrange safe transportation at the close of the ceremony.
4. I knowingly and voluntarily assume the risk of any physical or other injury, damage or loss I may suffer from my participation in the ceremony .I assume full responsibility for any harm I may cause to others through my actions or inactions before, during or after the ceremony. I release the liveJOY lifestyle, Glenda Menisa Morales, and any other representatives of the liveJOY lifestyle from any and all claims or damages, including negligence, arising from my participation in a plant medicine ceremony. I agree to defend and indemnify them from any claims, suits, and demands which may arise a s a result of my actions. I understand that this agreement is binding upon me, my spouse, parents, family, heirs, executors, administrators, agents and assigns. So that I do not have to complete this form for other ceremonies, I agree that this Waiver and Release shall apply to any of the liveJOY lifestyle ceremonies that I may attend in the future at any location. I agree that each and every provision of this agreement is independent of any other provision and may be enforced even if other provisions are not enforceable.